Monday, June 22, 2009

We did it!! Florida Hometown Democracy will be Amendment 4 on the November 2010 ballot

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Monday, June 22, 2009, the Florida Division of Elections certified Florida Hometown Democracy's proposed constitutional amendment for the November 2010 ballot as Amendment 4 will give Floridians who are tired of government of the developer, by the developer and for the developer an avenue to change the status quo. We will be urging Floridians to Vote yes 4 FLORIDA--Give yourself a vote on growth

Blackner also wants to thank the many, many Floridians who have gotten this important reform to this threshold. “We all collected petitions, donated money, talked to our friends and family to make this happen. Now we have to make sure Hometown Democracy gets to where it needs to be: in the Florida Constitution.”

Blackner reminded Floridians to beware of the deceitful proposed amendment hiding under the name “Floridians for Smarter Growth.” "This ridiculous proposal pretends to give a vote on growth but the devil is in the details: voters get a referendum on a comprehensive plan change only if 10% of the voters go in person to the supervisor of elections office to sign a petition within 60 days of passage. It discriminates against many, many Floridians, including the home-bound and military deployed abroad, who are excluded by design from participating in any such petition process," she added.

1 comment:

  1. WOW !! Just getting this on the ballot is an incredible testament to Lesley, Ross, and countless other people who refuse to let our state be destroyed without a fight.Vote yes 4 Florida ! Pave it or save it people,the choice is now up to us all !!!!!! Katie Mcgiveron
