Monday, June 22, 2009

California Dreaming

It is a real shame when I think about California. I dream of the way it once was. I always thought of that State as light years ahead of the rest of us. It was exciting to live out there right after the Height Ashbuy era. San Francisco back then was the most exciting city to be in other than New York. Here it was the home of Silicon Valley—the Apple Computer, Bill Gates and everything high tech that has and is changing our world so rapidly. Everyone was living the good life and paying their fair share of tax. Illegals had not found us yet...had not found the free handout and had not yet figured out the stupidity of our generosity and our unwillingness to enforce the laws of our land.

We had the migration of workers to labor on the farms but they always went back to their own country after the harvest. They were here to work and make a living but not to freeload off America.

What caused our most populated State with a $21.3 billion dollar deficit to be in fast meltdown mode? What caused the Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger to say—“Our wallet is empty. Our bank is closed. And our credit is dried up.”

Right now the Governor will be laying off tens of thousands of teachers and 5,000 government workers. Did they ever think about stopping the influx of illegal aliens to the State that is costing them an estimated $15 billion a year? The Governor wants to be remembered for budget reform but instead he will be remembered for coddling the illegal at the expense of his citizens.

Every State in these United States had better start addressing this problem or we will be next, right behind California.

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