Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Then and Now--Conan the Barbarian or Arnold the Meek?

Why not spice it up a little? Indulge a senior citizen.

Well, he still looks pretty good but age is catching up to Arnold as are bad decisions in the State of California. What worked ok years ago when Arnold said "if it bleeds we can kill it," is singing a different tune today as the State will be out of money in less than two months with no options.

Arnold is still spouting his political rhetoric—Here is an example of his latest:

“Linking hard-working people (referring to the illegal immigrants in California) to economic strife could lead to atrocities, crime and executions just as it did when Nazis governed Germany.” (Arnold is from Austria, a country of only 8.3 million people—California is nearly four times larger in population than Austria)

What worked for Governor Schwarzenegger years ago is not working now. Times have changed and millions of people are simply walking over our borders becoming a burden on legal Americans. Now here is a State with a deficit of over $21 billion and each year it is spending anywhere from a reported $5 billion on up to $15 billion a year on illegals. No matter what you read on this monetary figure, it is always different because you never can get the truth from government when they want to minimize the problem.

He doesn’t think the spending on illegals is a problem which actually should be his number one priority to solve. He should be "terminating" this cancer of illegal immigration and walking down the aisle at the State Legislature as Conan the Barbarian instead of Arnold the Meek.


  1. We need someone with muscle to get things done in LW. Are we on the right track?

  2. "terminating" this cancer of illegal immigration?

    Now..that! was a good one...again you are amazing when it comes to sentence structure...

    Thank you again for the support...


  3. I never did like that overly muscular body. It was rather repulsive and weird. Do you think Arnold has become a Democrat with all these liberal policies of his?
