Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rare bird trying a comeback

With declining population, the Woodstork is on the endangered species list. Yesterday's front page of the Post had a great story on the Woodstorks' return. Even as protected as the Everglades is for our wildlife, only 12 baby Woodstorks survived in 2008. Environmentalists are very excited about the comeback of this bird which was due to our long drought this Spring.

The Woodstork is rare to see here as most are migrating and breeding north of Lake Okeechobee. Development in south Florida has driven them further and further north and what was once a population of 20,000 pairs 80 years ago dropped to as low as 2,500 pairs in the late 70's.

The Florida Homebuilders Association, the anti-Florida Hometown Democracy group, wants this magnificent bird taken off the endangered species list so that they can resume their building anywhere they choose.

I saw three of them yesterday morning right in front of my residence on Lake Osborne. They were under the shade of a Palm tree. It truly was a magnificent sight.

P.S. Don't forget Yes on 4 in 2010.

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