Saturday, June 6, 2009

Slime balls just keep coming

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On June 10th, William Boose will be released from prison for failing to disclose and covering up for Tony Masilotti’s real estate transactions involving the South Florida Water Management District. He got 24 months for this felony and will be released only after serving 15 months. It pays to be a “good guy,” as he was described by one of his friends. Everyone has their own idea of what “good” is I suppose. Just ask the City of Lake Worth.

Boose was the founding partner of Boose, Casey, Ciklin, the firm that the City of Lake Worth hires all of the time to fight its very own citizens. The name Boose has been dropped from the firm now but he will be able to practice again after three years.

Just recently Susan Stanton had a meeting with Brian Joslyn, a commercial litigation attorney, of the same firm, so that he could give her his persuasive perspective on a Bert J. Harris taking. These slime balls keep on coming into our City. Who invites them for their warped and win at all cost opinions? All of a sudden Joslyn was in a meeting with Stanton. She didn’t request that he be there. She didn’t know him from Adam and she was not given a clear understanding of the Sunset issue from Staff. In fact, she was given NO facts on the matter.

What is the purpose of continuing to fight 450 residents of Lake Osborne Heights on this parcel? This action does not only involve this neighborhood but every neighborhood within the City of Lake Worth. If this sort of thing can be done to this neighborhood, it can be done to yours.

The City of Lake Worth already had an opinion from Nancy Stroud, a land-use attorney, an opinion that they insisted upon because they did not want to take the word of Richard Grosso, the most highly respected land-use attorney in the State of Florida. Why did they not want to believe him? Because Save Our Neighborhood recommended that he speak. Ok, that's fair; get your own lawyer. They did and paid Stroud $3,500 for her report that a Bert J. Harris taking is highly unlikely and nearly impossible on Sunset...that the City can NOT promise zoning and that this was "contract" zoning which is illegal.

Who is it in City Hall that is so desperate to win and has so much contempt for the people that they pay for a litigation attorney to present a case to our new City Manager without giving her all of the facts on the matter?

Unless they have committed murder, the slime balls just keep coming and we just keep on paying.


  1. Thanks for staying on top of this issue-let's keep advocating that the city hire a new firm for outside litigator and adviser, e.g. Lewis, Longman, and Walker.

  2. There are slimy lawyers like William Boose and Brian Joslyn of the Boose ,Casey, Ciklin law firm,and there are good layers,like Richard Grosso of the Everglades law center.Why was our new city manager talking to Brian Joslyn, a commercial litigation attorney, about land use issues ? I'll tell you why-because we still have some slimy city hall staff left over from previous administrations who directed Ms. Stanton to,that's why! Slimy,leftover, staff that still live in the pockets of slimy developers, certainly did not want our new city manager to see the opinion of land use attorney Nancy Stroud,an opinion that staff paid 3,500 dollars for . An opinion that turned out to be a 3,500 hundred dollar kick in the ass to opponents of Sunset.At the workshop with city Commissioners and our P and Z board where Ms. Stroud belted out the fact that the whole Sunset deal put together by the previous city Attorney Larry Karns was nothing but ILLEGAL CONTRACT ZONING, the uproar was INCREDIBLE.P&Z chair John Paxman's hair almost straightened out, and member Phil Spinelli looked like a deflated balloon.(And why has Paxman fought so hard to ruin the lives of the people in the Lake Osborne neighborhood ? Why does he care about a 4.2 acre parcel nowhere near where he lives ? Just why IS Mr. Paxman so intent on ruining MY standard of living in MY own neighborhood )? Slime attracts slime, and it's time Lake Worth got rid of the law firm of Boose, Casey,and Ciklin . Lake Worth needs to deal with non tainted lawyers, like Richard Grosso. (Make a donation to the Everglades law center folks. You'll help to protect our state).It's also time to clean the slime out of non elected city boards, like the P & Z. I hope that our new city manager ,Ms. Stanton,has the strength to pick up a fire hose and wash the few remaining slimy city staff,along with their black patent leather knee boots, right down the steps of city hall ! Katie Mcgiveron, Chairman of Save Our Neighborhood , Inc. PAC

  3. Katie, you sound mad about something and some people.

  4. Well lets take the post into the future and see what we have election coming up with Staff from past administration and yet the same past administration is going (rumored) to be running for the up and coming seats this November. Can you say FOUR STEPS Backwards? Bottom line is we need representation in all aspects of the city of Lake Worth that actually care about the people and not thier own pockets and its time that the average everyday person (not the privledged few and "what are you going to do for me" kind) stand up, VOTE and take back our town so its for the people by the people and responsible development is maintained (No more townhouses anywhere there is an empty lot) there are great places for townhouses and new development that does not change the face of single family neighborhoods and most people agree with that but do not destroy the face of a neighborhood for the sake of a developer...I don't know if staff is in the pocket of some of these folks but I do know staff fights very hard to do the wrong thing, Gulfstream ring in bells?
