Saturday, June 6, 2009

Invitation from Commissioner Mulvehill

You are invited!
Town hall Meeting from 6-8pm on Wednesday, June 10th.
Compass, 201 N. Dixie Hwy
Lake Worth

I am delighted to share highlights of the Transition Towns conference that I attended in London last week as well as pictures and tales of community efforts in the UK to deal with climate change and peak oil.

• Explore a Cultural Exchange opportunity with Southend-on-Sea, 1-3 June. Southend-on-Sea is a coastal community one hour northeast of London, England. South-end has the longest fishing pier in the world and experiences some of the same challenges and opportunities as Lake Worth. I will be meeting with several government officials while in Southend to explore cultural exchange opportunities and will share these ideas with the commission upon my return.

• Pocket Parks - The City of Lake Worth owns right-of- ways along the Intracoastal Waterway. Most of these right-of-ways have been abandoned over the years by the city and have become private property. I am working to insure that the remaining few, approximately 8, remain public and become "pocket" parks for residents and future generations to enjoy. We can capitalize on our identity of a coastal community. Please note below the "waterfronts program" that we are applying for. A Waterfront Florida Community Designation from the State comes with a lot of benefits including grant monies. (See below for more details). Items/issues priorities to work on with Susan Stanton, our new City Manager:
  • Golf Course - improving operations/ management and getting the rate structure in order, hiring necessary staff, improving the greens, etc.
  • Formalize a grant review/writing process for reviewing and managing grants and determining public/private grant writing initiatives.
  • Marketing task force and/or marketing planning initiatives.
  • Writing/establishing a policy as to when audio recordings of commission meetings are available.
  • Hiring a marketing/events coordinator.
  • Follow up - marketing plan for the Lake Worth Museum.
  • Follow up - update on the collections company impact/results for our Electric/Water Utilities.

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