Friday, June 26, 2009

Rubio gets Huckabee endorsement

The far right Mike Huckabee says that Marco is sick of government hand-outs, that they are hurting our economy. So are we. Why then, does Marco shy away from the illegal immigration problem in our State, a problem that is costing legal taxpayers a big fortune? Why?

While a guest on The Ed Morrissey Show, he said, "I am for securing our borders, and I am not in favor of amnesty." However, Border Control Now, a group that has been tracking him, says just the opposite. Who do we believe? Marco's voting record or the illegal immigration watchdog, Border Control Now?

1 comment:

  1. Marco Rubio-the man who never met an illegal he didn't love.Lets ask Marco to bring ICE to Lake Worth. LOL
