Friday, June 26, 2009

The Nut keeps falling from the Tree

ACORN International now has changed its name to get away from the negative stigma it has experienced over the last year. Now it will be called Community Organizers International.

This really is a joke. I worked for a public company that did this very same thing, not once, but several times. Upper management thought by changing the name of the corporation, it would be able to continue fooling the public as their plan was to continue to rip off the investor. They were no different than Bernie Madoff. The ineffectual SEC allowed them to get away with it. Shareholder value kept going south as they raped the corporation. It didn’t work. The company eventually went out of business losing billions of investors' money.

It will be the same with ACORN. A name doesn't change your morals, your integrity, your corrupt ways. With the same old management, renaming and re-branding will do no good and they will only be fooling themselves by thinking they are fooling us. These people have learned how to milk and abuse the system for far too long.

1 comment:

  1. Acorn is a terrorist group that survives on government handouts and is full of questionable people. Sure hope they don't come to my house this election or for the census either. These groups wouldn't even be able to survive in any country other than this one. We put up with so much SH**. Throw everyone out of office who uses them. OBAMA are you listening?
