Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Gulfstream Hotel and Celi's Appeal

Even when you get a majority vote as did Charles Celi last night, you lose.

Last night’s special meeting on whether to grant Charles Celi’s appeal was longer than I anticipated. Jennings, Golden and Mulvehill really gave the entire situation a lot of thought and voted to grant his appeal and to reverse the approval of the Planning & Zoning Board regarding Schlesinger’s request for a time extension on the Gulfstream Hotel. The vote was three to two with Clemens and Lowe dissenting.

The owner continues to get time extensions and the hotel sits there, empty with nothing getting done. Last night it was because of the economy but no proof was presented to the Commission that the owners can't get financing. We are supposed to take their word. It is always something with that owner who is allowed to get away with it. You would think that the Mayor has a pony in this race because he is always contemptuous of Mr. Celi and he acts like Judge Judy. He even had to pass the gavel last night as his face got more red.

As pointed out last night by the owner’s attorney as well as the Mayor who harped on it over and over again, the decision was whether P&Z had enough information at the time to render a decision on that particular extension. That was ALL it was about according to them. How do you know if the P&Z had enough information? This owner changes his mind more often than I change my sheets. It had nothing to do with the fact that Schlesinger has been playing the system so that he does not have to do anything with the property with change after change from the original approval given in December 2005, Now, it was brought out in testimony, he has yet another plan—a different plan than what was approved last night on the time extension.

This is one big bad joke on this city and the Mayor and Retha Lowe continue to play this sick game.

The other twist was when Celi jumped up after the meeting and said, “I lose again.” The entire dais looked at him incredulously. "What do you mean? " He then said, “Jeff, you know that it takes a 4 to 1 vote on an appeal.” He didn’t. I didn’t. No one did. Even the City attorney was silent. It just shows that Celi is honest and looking for an honest shot at this deplorable situation. Jennings, Golden and Mulvehill tried to give it to him.


  1. Seems like a mirror image of the saga at the Eden Condominiums in Boca by Ceebraid.

  2. Interesting that you mention Ceebraid--that IS Schlesinger!!!!

  3. Seemingly projects in Conn., Ga., Fl., all finaced by lenders never completed.
    One could ask why the banks are still working with this developer?
    He must be extremely well connected for Banks,contractors and so many municipalities to let this company go unchecked and unscathed with no accounability!
