Saturday, May 16, 2009

What Susan says--

Update below

"One of her first priorities, she said, would be "trying to understand the anger in this community. I don't have a panic switch like I did in my office in Largo, but I've had four people come into my office with -- you know the look -- anger, and contempt and rage, where you go, 'I need to get a police officer in here!'" Citizens, she said, have been mad about code enforcement, police issues, and "things that happened ten years ago! Two people I thought were going to have massive strokes!"


Katie's e-mail reply--

Katie Mcgiveron says:

Ms. Stanton is stepping into a city that is very much divided. Corruption and the "Good Ole Boy" system were the rule in Lake Worth for a long time. City Hall had a definite "Circle the Wagons " mentality. I would advise Ms. Stanton not to dismiss all of our blogs. Mr. Coakley's blog kept city hall staff and some previous Commissioners more honest than they wanted to be . Lynn Anderson has a great blog. A little breeze of fresh air has begun to blow through city hall, and I feel confident that under Ms. Stanton, our little breeze will become a full force gale wind! Also, any business that is stupid enough to alienate their clients will not be in business for very long! Welcome Ms. Stanton; we're glad that you are finally here!

Posted On: Saturday, May. 16 2009 @ 12:05PM

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