Friday, May 15, 2009

MARCUS seeks help to STOP Growth Bill

Update below--
Karen Marcus seeks Governor's help to stop passage of growth bill--

"Palm Beach County Commissioner Karen Marcus is making an 11th-hour attempt to kill a state Senate bill that would allow developers to bypass the state's growth management rules.

Marcus has called on Gov. Charlie Crist to veto the bill, called the "Community Renewal Act," fearing it will overburden taxpayers across the state.


Governor, when I first read this bill, at first blush it seemed to promote compact urban growth, but as it wandered its way thru the process, the concept of urban areas became all inclusive and now flies in the face of a well intentioned deterrent to sprawl. As this bill stands today, it will destroy more than thirty years of growth management in Florida that so many of us have nurtured. Your veto is vital to the future of Florida.

Earl M. Starnes, PhD, FAICP
Professor Emeritus
U of Florida

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