Tuesday, May 19, 2009

There is no excuse for condoning illegals

In front of El Sol, Jupiter

On Saturday, Jill Hanson retired lawyer and President of El Sol Center, the illegal labor center in Jupiter, wrote a Letter to the Editor wherein she said that immigrants add much more than they take from America. She failed to use the word ILLEGAL immigrants. It’s funny how these people always forget that.

This is what the entire controversy is about. It is not about productive legal immigrants. It is not whether illegals give back more than they take, which is certainly a debatable statement and can be challenged. It never has been about that.

She says that immigrants provide a net gain of $7 billion a year to the social security system plus they pay an additional $520 billion under mismatched (false) social security numbers. That's a crime, Jill! Where did she get her facts? And why does she continue to promote breaking the laws of the United States?

Facts are that social services for ILLEGALS alone since 1996 have cost the LEGAL citizens of this Country $397,457,183,167...that’s billions! Illegals have wired over $30 billion to Mexico and over $265 billion dollars to South America, taking money OUT of this country. Just to educate the children of illegals has cost us over $14 billion since we started recording numbers over the last decade.

Jill advocates for amnesty and legalizing these people. Sure, and then the entire Continent of South America would be here…more illegals will cross our borders and our problems are exacerbated 1000 times while the legal citizens of this country are struggling to stay afloat.

Good news was reported yesterday that a program originally initiated by George W. Bush will be expanded by President Obama that will check the immigration of every person booked into local jails, hoping to pinpoint deportable illegals by matching fingerprints in federal immigration databases. This year, one million jails across the U.S. will have this screening capability and by 2012, all of them will have it.

Learn more about the illegal immigration situation by tuning in every Thursday night at 8pm and listen to former Lake Worth City Commissioner, Scott Maxwell. His Talk Radio show is called "Connecting the Dots" and you can find it on WBZT 1230AM or listen to it on the Internet.

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