Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Need your house painted? You may just qualify.

Paint Your Heart Out PB County 2009
697-2700 ext 4700 or 4701

You may qualify to have the exterior of your house painted absolutely FREE, if you fit within certain requirements such as owning your own one story single family residence and if your income falls within a certain level. The house must be in physical need of painting, not a cosmetic color change.

You must fit into the one of the following categories:

Over 60
Hurricane Victim
Single parent household
Income for one person household is $28,650 or less with a rising scale for family of four.
The house must be in good overall condition

If you think that you are qualified, please call the numbers listed above. This program is in conjunction with the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County.

Thanks to Robert Waples, President of ROLOH, for sending out this valuable information. He has also volunteered his time to help out in this program. Robert has the application form and he can send it to you via e-mail. His e-mail address is robertwaplesii@yahoo.com.

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