Wednesday, May 13, 2009


ROLOH held their Neighborhood Association meeting last night.

Robert Waples, President of ROLOH

Cpt. Rolando Silva
We learned that burglaries are on the rise. The offenders, for the most part, are young men between the ages of 18 and 20. These happen most always during the day whereas car thefts normally happen at night. This neighborhood has had eight burglaries over the last two month period and one car theft. Increased Sheriff presence has caused the numbers of crimes to go down in Lake Osborne Heights.

COP's--Wally St. Cyr from Lakeside Point Gardens 2nd from left and
Bernie Siler far right
Members of the COP’s program were there with Cpt. Bernie Siler who gave a short speech trying to recruit more of the residents into the COP program.
Palm Beach County Commissioner Shelley Vana, District 3

who as you recall, won against Republican Bob Kanjian, flatly stated that the County has NO money. She also said that the Water Contract between Lake Worth and Palm Beach County was going to be extremely difficult to forget about. As a Commissioner, she voted to explore further talks with Lake Worth on this issue but there are those who are standing firm to the Contract. She described herself as “middle of the road” and is willing to talk about issues. She is against making it hard to petition and believes in local control for the people.

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