Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No joking matter -- CRA

It was a toss up for me--go to the CRA meeting and see that Board give away thousands of dollars to people who do NOT NEED THE MONEY, never have more than one ridiculous, out of whack estimate, or go to the ROLOH meeting and listen to Shelley Vana. Intellectually, Shelley won out.

It is too bad that I missed the CRA meeting as I have spoken before on these Grants and how this process is in need of a major over-haul. It is time, way past time, that we stop this practice of giving away money and begin to address getting rid of BLIGHT, one of the major reasons to even have a CRA. If these Grants continue, and I do not advocate for that at this time, only the needy should benefit. This will mean doing some work and thoroughly investigating these applicants.

Phil needs my painter. He got taken.

I heard that Shanon Materio, Board member, said that I made homeowner Mary Demers cry. Remember Mary? She is the one that has the pristine house at 501 S. B Street and the one who legally "took us" for $15,000 at the end of April and is coming back for MORE $$$$. I doubt that Mary Demers knows how to cry but Ms. Materio knows how to stretch it. In fact, someone spotted Demers laughing, while walking to her bank, the very next day.

The joke is on the CRA taxpayer and all who continue not to speak out.

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