Monday, May 18, 2009

Cool off -- take a hike!

Susan Stanton found out very quickly and even stated it in a recent interview—there are a lot of angry people in this city to the point of wondering whether she needs a panic button and trying to figure out the cause of the anger. Not one of my friends has met with Ms. Stanton.

There is no “figuring out” here. This is a total waste of time. If this one group is not allowed to take back this city, then they are going to stay angry, like a pit bull. They like being mad. Everyone else is "morally low" if you disagree. It is their method operandi. This is what turns them on and rules their lives.

They get mad about anything that just might cost them a dime. They blame Cara Jennings or some other commissioner with whom they violently disagree for just about everything instead of taking a stand and speaking out publicly—or calling their Congressman or Senator—sending a fax regarding legislation on illegals, as an example. But these people probably argue that illegals are great and add to our economy just because their mortal enemies think the other way. They would much rather just rant and rave.

Take Florida Hometown Democracy as an example. They say it is evil but have no reason for the statement. They do not understand even what it is but some planner or someone from the Chamber said it was such so they play along. Developers have been allowed to ruin our State. City governments have been allowed to change a zoning from the dais with the possibility of virtually ruining a single family residential neighborhood for a developer. A developer was kicked off our beach and we still have people angry about that. Changing zoning to suit a developer is illegal in itself. And don't give me that old and very lame reason to change zoning at our beach. The stores are allowed to be there under PROS zoning.

To them, it is all about making the buck and it has nothing whatsoever to do with preserving quality of life. Development affects so many other industries: Realtors, banks, mortgage brokers, construction workers, plumbers, furniture companies, you name it…thousands of people. Their answer to Florida and to our local cities, build anywhere and everywhere you can and if your city is built out, build high.

Here in Lake Worth, height restrictions are really getting some people very angry. Primarily it is the developer and real estate people who have been vocal. I have not heard one other person stating that keeping heights to three stories is a bad idea. We don’t want our city to look like Ft. Lauderdale. Why do these people want it? $$$

Someone sent me an-mail yesterday regarding some commentary on the Internet from a local forum that is set-up to personally attack people. Those participating on this site get daily orgasms from their pit bull mentality and hateful comments on other citizens. To answer some of the concerns--

Andres Reyes was given another chance at his job. There were circumstances there that justified it. He now has severe parameters to work under going forward; it is all up to him. Personally, I would find another job but I admire him for sticking it out in a city and job he loves. Our Utility Department should not be political. The same people who are against Reyes getting his job back probably believe that the crucifixion of Christ was also justified. I believe in people getting another chance.

Larry Karns is a totally different situation. When he was “terminated” he should have left immediately and escorted out. That’s how it is done in the corporate world. Pay him, but let him leave. There was certain Staff trying to retain Karns in a different capacity and it did not work out. Ms. Stanton came a week early. Staff should stay out of politics. As far as not getting his benefits, if this is true, his contract had run out. The City was under no obligation.

So, basically what is “morally low” here is that certain people do not intelligently defend a position…they would rather personally attack everyone with a different view… lobby their position with City Hall as if it is gospel...stalk people around town…call people on the phone with a whistle to blow their eardrums out…post on the Jerry Springer Forum vetting their anger in a very personal way.

The suggestion to you is, find some new friends and new things to concentrate on. Stop being so negative. Read a book. Go to the beach; walk the sand.

Take a hike.

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