Monday, May 18, 2009

Answer to Wes from Lesley

Lesley Blackner answered Wes' arguments against FHD and his statement that FHD is a "dangerous precedent for the State of Florida"--Here is what she has to say--

1. Sorry Wes, the process is already "politics"--that's why elected officials vote on them, not planners. Lots of times officials ignore what the planners want. AT THE END OF THE DAY, LAND USE IS POLITICS AND IS SUPPOSED TO REPRESENT THE PUBLIC INTEREST.

2. How do we know the electorate is weary? I'm excited about voting, especially on this stuff, which determines the fate of a community more than anything else.

3. How does he know what the future holds? He has no idea. this is pure, unadulterated speculation. What does he mean by "the established voter base."--this is meaningless. Voters are everywhere in Florida.

4. Where this has been implemented it has cut down on comp plan proposals big time. Developers learn to live with the plans, like they are supposed to.

5. No infringement of property rights--you aren't entitled to a comp plan change in the first place. It's a political decision to give you one, a giveaway typically. When you buy your land you are presumed to know what the regulations are upon that land. There are a zillion cases to that effect.

6. Lesley cooked up "hometown democracy" --the term--because that's what it is my friend. it brings direct democracy where we need it most, to counteract the total control the developer oligarchy has exercised over this state.

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