Saturday, March 1, 2025

Zelensky’s Blunder: How to Lose U.S. Support in One Meeting

And the fake news media goes against Trump and America

And America Last Democrats still supporting Zelensky against our leaders

If there’s one thing we know about Trump, it’s that he doesn’t play nice when he’s being disrespected. And yet, Zelensky thought he could get away with:
✔️ Interrupting Trump
✔️ Addressing the VP as JD in a condescending manner when JD addressed him a "president"
✔️ Trying to dictate U.S. policy
✔️ Arguing in front of cameras instead of behind closed doors
✔️ Never once being grateful for what the U.S. has done for him.


  1. To attend a high-level meeting like that without wearing a suit, inspires contempt. Even Fetterman wears a suit when the occasion calls for it. All I can say, is the Ukrainians must be awfully dumb to put up with this fraud.
    Having said that, I don't think JD should have taken over the conversation like he did. I won't be voting for him for President in 28, and I wish there was some way the President could get rid of him. I never did like him, and I didn't like his book. I read it years ago, when it was first published. He had a good grandmother and grandfather, and plenty to eat. What did he want. His whole life has been scheming to get where he is now.

  2. Could not be more proud of J.D. Vance and how he handled himself at the meeting, backing up the President when he could. Kudos to JD as he is the key presidential advisor, governing partner, and representative of the president. Nothing scheming about him...rose from poverty, Harvard educated, smart as a whip.

  3. If you recall, the democrats virtually lined up to kiss the ring, when they went calling, groveling to the Ukrainian leader, parading him around Pennsylvania as though he had accomplished some great victories on the battlefield. I never understood the whole thing. It had been established that Ukraine would never be allowed to join NATO.

    1. too bad 3-05 thinks they are the only one that count with their view.a lot of us didnt like what the last guy offered but didnt talk like the dems are on our leaders.there is an old saying"IF YOU DONT HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY ABOUT PEOPLE DONT SAY IT

  4. To answer anonymous who tried to post here--At one time, Vance was not in favor of Trump. He said, "Sometimes, of course, I've disagreed with the president, but I've also been extremely open about the fact that I was wrong about Donald Trump. I was wrong, first of all, because I believed some of the media stories that turned out to be dishonest fabrications of his record."
    And that's what Democrats still do--believe The View, and the fake news media and of course, all the lies.
    At one time I was a Democrat and saw the light.
