Thursday, December 5, 2024

City of Lake Worth comes up with another outrageous idea

FREE PARKING IN DOWNTOWN Lake Worth Beach, a transportation perk enjoyed by residents and visitors for decades, may soon come to a screeching halt.

City commissioners have directed staff to draft a plan to replace free parking with a paid program that would improve the availability of street parking in and around downtown and add millions to the city’s coffers.

“We know this is going to be sort of a jarring piece of news for our residents because they’re not used to having to pay,’’ Mayor Betty Resch said Dec. 3, when the commission discussed recommendations by consultant WGI.

The report suggests hourly rates of $3 on Lake and Lucerne avenues with a limit of two or three hours, and $2.50 on side streets with longer time limits.

“The city currently is generating nothing (for downtown parking), so it’s hard to increase all the levels of service if you don't have additional revenue,’’ said Interim City Manager Jamie Brown. “If we want to be able to do more things downtown to increase our levels of service, there has to be generation of revenue.’’

Read more about it...

First of all, I want to know how we go to lunch or dinner downtown and then go to the Lake Worth Playhouse on the time frame they are suggesting. Do we have to leave in the middle of a play a couple of times to put more money in the meter?

If this is implemented, there goes all the businesses in our downtown. Charging people for a permit to park in front of their homes is outrageous.


  1. This is a terrible idea. This commission never comes up with anything good.

  2. The PEOPLE of Lake Worth do not want paid parking on Lake and Lucerne in the downtown. The PEOPLE are the true leaders of Lake Worth, NOT the Mayor or commissioners. We should suggest if they do this against the will of the people none of them will ever be voted in to office in Lake Worth, ever again!!! This needs to be a major campaign we begin running.

  3. Now this is something to protest about. All businesses should form a coalition along with residents to stop this madness.

  4. Excuse Me? $3.00 to park on Lake Avenue

  5. Everyone wants free stuff all the time. Gimmee gimmee gimmee.

  6. Look,I love going to downtown Lake Worth. But I don't HAVE to go to downtown Lake Worth and I WON'T go to downtown lake Worth if I have to pay to go there. I'm a season ticket holder at the Playhouse. If I have to pay to park, forget it. Likewise shopping or eating breakfast/lunch /dinner if I have to tack on a parking fee. Families are having a hard time making ends meet. So much for watching the Christmas parade or tree lighting ,etc. I can afford to pay for parking ,but this just makes me fucing mad as hell. Again, paid parking? Bye Lake Worth.

  7. My question is who collects the money for the REQUIRED valet parking in the 700 bl0ck of Lake Ave? They take the city's FREE parking spots and charge money to park your car right on the street. Why is one business making money using what the city offers it residents for free? Can I put a toll to walk across the bridge?

  8. Lake Worth is trash just look at the post office on Lake Ave it should look like a jewel but it looks abandoned, someone got the message about the Theater and cleaned it up a little. . Hope Chef English can stay open.
    Every morning the city workers use leaf blowers to blow trash into the middle of the avenues you can’t walk or breath the air it’s like a dusty fog the street sweepers show up every other month not weekly only see them downtown. Dirty town no wonder shops close the dirty drunk hippie wannabes love it good luck getting folks with money on Palm Beach to dine or shop when you gotta give a dollar to a bum walking to your car .

  9. Look if I have to pay 50¢ to pay for my latte at Starbucks it's just like I'm paying Starbucks...and I refuse to pay Starbucks any more for my coffee. A quarter here, a quarter there and before you know it I'm not going to be able to put food on the table.
