Thursday, September 5, 2024

Roger Stone--Deep State Behind Assasssination Atempt

Roger Stone: CNN never covers Trump rallies live

Why were they at his assassination attempt?

There are still far too many unanswered questions surrounding the near-assassination of former President Donald Trump — and Roger Stone has some new questions to add to the pile.

“Why would CNN, which never covers any of his rallies live, why were they there? Why is there a very high-paid freelance photographer shooting with super high-speed film, who ... can see the image of the bullet flying by his head? Why were they there?” Stone asks Alex Stein of Prime Time with Alex Stein.

“I find that extraordinarily suspicious,” he continues.

Stein is also especially suspicious of what may happen at Trump’s upcoming events and rallies. “I think they’re going to try and take out Donald Trump again.

So what is he going to do or change if he’s running his campaign knowing that he has a target from, I would say, the Deep State, maybe the Secret Service, maybe CIA, maybe FBI, who knows? But it’s obvious they don’t want him to become president again,” Stein says.

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