Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Maduro says, "We won't accept our criminals back"

Migrant influencer will NOT be deported

Frustrating reason migrant influencer who showed illegals how to squat in US homes will NOT be deported despite being ordered out of the country--

An Ohio judge ordered Leonel Moreno, 27, to leave the United States on September 9, the New York Post reports.

But earlier this year, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro stopped accepting deportation flights from the US and Mexico after Washington reimposed economic sanctions.

 Moreno later gained notoriety after posting a TikTok video advising his followers on how to 'invade' American homes and invoke squatter's rights.

Moreno claimed in the video that under United States law, 'if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it'.

Someone can be away on vacation and this criminal can "seize it."



  1. Personally, I think if you find a squatter living in your home you should be able to terminate them like a rat or other vermin. I do not see them as having any rights whatsoever, except the right to be put out of their misery. We need to have some laws added to the books to facilitate this.

  2. Send them all back, send mala and biden with them they can expulse them all to Venezuela!
