Sunday, September 15, 2024

Kirby--No respect for our military

Veterans Outraged After John Kirby Emails Leaked

Kirby spent three decades in the Navy, retiring as a Rear Admiral, having been assigned as the Chief of Naval Information.

Yet, he continues to insult our veterans at every opportunity, and he just did it again.

No Respect

How someone like Kirby can disrespect our service members concerned about the Afghanistan withdrawal just shows the difference between a career paper-pusher and a combat veteran.

To that point, an email was leaked from Kirby’s office where he dismissed the concerns of veterans on this subject, stating, “Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe.”

Kirby hit “reply all” on that email, not realizing that it was not only going to his staffers, but also to the media, including Fox News Digital. 🤣

Read more about John Kirby


  1. Kirby is a company guy. He works for the worst administration in the history of our country. What can you expect?

  2. He is a loser and liar such a slave for Satan!
