Thursday, September 5, 2024

Democrat Pollsters aren't even honest

Pollsters Who Called 2016, 2020 Say Harris Losing Steam

Two pollsters who accurately called the 2016 and 2020 elections say Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris is decelerating in battleground state polls, a loss in momentum that is paving the way for Republican Donald Trump to reach 296 electoral votes and victory in November, the New York Post reported.

Matt Towery of Georgia-based InsiderAdvantage and South Carolina-based Robert Cahaly of Trafalgar have Trump winning six of the seven battleground states that will decide the election.

"The momentum that we were seeing after the Democratic National Convention has sort of come to an end," Towery told the Post.

Read about it...

Be careful of the polls. Remember when they had Hillary ahead of Trump by 15 points in 2016.


  1. I know I don't believe any polls saying that Mala is ahead of President Trump I think she's trailing by a long shot I don't know who would vote for this evil slave for Satan who's such a big Pusher of killing innocent helpless voiceless babies in the womb. Always talking about protecting women's reproductive Rights what rights? Rights to kill a baby! They are slaves for Satan very demonic human beings if you want to call them that, maybe a better thing to call them are reptiles!

  2. Trump has this one wrapped up. That's the reason he's staying home so much. Nothing to worry about. He's gaining steam, IMO. I'm thinking he won't even need my vote...he's already said he has enough maybe not.

  3. Nate Silver election model raises Trump’s victory chances to 60 :percent:

    Sounds more accurate!

  4. @8:39...he sure is NOT staying home...he's doing rallies over over as well as Town Halls. He is not taking anything for granted.
