Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Colorado Governor dismisses armed gang takeover as 'figment of imagination'

Venezuelan Gangs Accused Of Extorting Denver’s Homeless For ‘Protection’ Money

A concerning report has emerged from Denver, Colorado, where Venezuelan gang members are allegedly extorting homeless individuals living in public encampments.

According to a post on the Reddit forum r/homeless, a user claimed that Venezuelan gangs have taken control of their encampment and are demanding “rent” for what they call “protection.”

The Reddit user expressed fear and confusion, stating, “They are making us pay rent to stay in our own camp. They say it’s for protection. Protection from who I don’t know.”

This post has sparked a range of responses, with some advising the person to comply for their safety, while others suggested relocating to avoid potential violence.

The alleged extortion is part of a broader concern in Colorado about the presence of armed Venezuelan gang members.

Read more about it...

You can blame Biden/Harris for this and the nutty liberal Governor.

Here's where they are taking over an apartment building.


  1. Aurora PD is the Deep State.

    "APD investigated a claim of a Venezuelan gang takeover of an apartment building but found no evidence that gang members were in control."


  2. That is how the left works, to be dismissive! Slaves!

  3. Watch on X https://x.com/i/status/1828928986833137868

  4. What is X? The police department says it was not true. Is this X thing more reliable?

  5. Guess what, anonymous at 3:09...believe what you want. Residents there say differently.

  6. I said it in the first comment and I agree with Lynn: the Aurora PD is the Deep State and is lying about Venezuelans overrunning their city. I wouldn't be surprised if they take over the police next and then Denver. And once they take over Colorado, they're coming for all of us. Believe who you want but I, like Lynn, will always pick my Facebook friends before the police.

  7. What happened there was all over the news on every channel. We saw it. Why the police would say differently is astonishing...they failed to protect their citizens.
