Thursday, September 19, 2024

ABC Moderator confirms they were out to get Trump

Linsey Davis Confirms: Debate Was Rigged Against Trump!

In a post-debate interview with the Los Angeles Times, Linsey Davis came right out and said it: They fact-checked Trump because CNN didn’t do a good enough job during an earlier debate between Trump and Biden. Let that sink in.

According to Davis, liberals were upset that CNN moderators didn’t challenge Trump enough, so ABC decided they would “fix” that. How? By turning a supposedly fair debate into a biased attack on Trump.

What’s even worse is that Davis admitted she and Muir didn’t feel the need to fact-check Kamala Harris at all. You read that right: Trump gets hammered with five fact-checks, while Harris gets off scot-free. This isn’t just unfair; it’s a blatant attack on democracy.

The role of a moderator is to be neutral, to give both candidates an equal platform to make their case. But when ABC decided they were going to be the purveyors of truth, they crossed a line. Who do these people think they are?


  1. Democrats know that Trump loses big when fact-checking is used so that's why they do this. Throw out fact-checking and Trump kicks butt every single time. It's true!

  2. @3:27..nothing true about your statement on Trump losing with biased fact-checkers or fact-checkers of any persuasion.

  3. They are a disgrace and should both be fired, I will not watch abc ever again!

  4. Fact checking should be a crime. Lock them up!
