Sunday, August 25, 2024

Trump has Compassion and Empathy

Donald Trump Suddenly Stops Rally and Asks for 'a Doctor, Please!'

President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, abruptly stopped his campaign rally in Asheboro, North Carolina, on Wednesday to ask the crowd for "a doctor, please" after an attendee appeared to need medical attention.

Greg Kruse on Swamp Drainers summed up the incident perfectly:

"After several pauses, Trump clapped along with the crowd. He then moved past the bulletproof glass surrounding his podium and, escorted by Secret Service agents, walked toward the area where the attendee was receiving medical attention.

Trump greeted and hugged the person, who was seen holding a water bottle. He returned to behind the bulletproof glass at the podium amid chants of "We love Trump," and then thanked the crowd. He continued his speech, which was focused on national security.

On Wednesday, The Texas GOP applauded Trump's call for medical help at his rally at the North Carolina Aviation Museum & Hall of Fame. The state Republican branch wrote on social media: "Trump just stopped his whole rally to make sure one of the people in the audience was okay after there were shouts for a doctor in the crowd. What a genuinely good guy."

Read about it...


  1. Hope he wins with the media and Kamala's lies out there

  2. Not according to Fred Trump going on The View and bashing his own uncle and family really horrible people that other niece too, there are some real haters in your own family like what they're doing to RFK Jr too, very very sad. They just want his money and fame, blackmailing his uncle in the name of his son, pathetic.

  3. He is wonderful, sad that their hate has destroyed this country, the same hate that had Jesus murdered on the cross.
