Wednesday, August 28, 2024

"They were Nasty"

Friday's Trump-Vance 2024 campaign rally, in Glendale, AZ

Donald Trump spoke with voters about speeches from the DNC, focusing on former President Barack Obama, former First Lady Michelle Obama, and the acceptance speech of Dem Presidential Nominee Vice President Kamala Harris.


  1. The guy who dreams up derogatory nicknames for everyone says others are "nasty." Talk about dishing it out but not being able to take it. Seems like it's a common trait for MAGA.

    1. It seems too like all Democrats are slaves for Satan pushing killing innocent helpless voiceless babies in the womb! Someone say sinners and haters!?

    2. And what has the Democrats hate done to this country? Destroyed it, your hate will prevent you from getting into Heaven!

  2. The media is nasty along with the demonic Dems, complicit and big haters, they have all destroyed this country with their hate and lies! The biden crime family took millions and the media were complicit allowing this, a sin, who can respect or trust the Dems, media, government gangsters, all slaves for Satan!

  3. @7:24...It's called, defending yourself. When Democrats call you "Hitler," says rump wants to be a dictator, and all the personal attacks they spew, you don't like it when Trump attacks back. Boo hoo.
