Friday, August 23, 2024

Social Security Administration inefficiencies abound

Social Security Distributed Almost $72 Billion in Improper Payments

Most of the over-payments were made by the SSA to beneficiaries

“From fiscal years 2015 through 2022, SSA paid almost $8.6 trillion in benefits and made approximately $71.8 billion (0.84 percent) in improper payments, most of which were over-payments.”

The agency still had $23 billion in uncollected over-payment balance at the end of fiscal year 2023. The report cited improper payments as a “longstanding challenge” for the SSA. The agency has taken actions to remedy the situation, the OIG said.

An earlier SSA OIG report had found that the backlog of pending actions at the SSA was responsible for $1.1 billion in improper payments. SS says that it is the overall constraints they endure such as low staffing levels and high staffing turnover has caused this massive over-payment issue.

Read more about it...

It's no wonder we're running out of money--


  1. So how can we trust these government gangsters? No fiscal responsibility at all, they are as bad as the elected!

  2. Sounds like a lot but it's less than 1% of the total benefits paid during that period.

  3. @4:23--No matter what percentage you want to throw out here, it is still nearly $72 billion in improper payments. That's not exactly peanuts. But in the Biden/Harris world of supporters it is ok? How can you excuse the incompetence?

  4. I'm not excusing it. I'm making an observation. Is THAT not allowed here either? Sheesh.

  5. I guess it is allowed here as I posted it. Sheesh!
