Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Kamala wants to snatch patents from Big Pharma- Communism

Kamala’s Brilliant Idea: Let’s Just Snatch Patents and Call It Fair

"Kamala Harris has always had a way with words, but it’s her actions and past statements that reveal her true intentions.

As she rolls out her flimsy economic plan for 2024, it’s vital that we take a hard look at what she’s said before, especially when she’s not standing behind a podium with a script spewing nothing but happy platitudes.

One resurfaced clip from her 2019 presidential campaign is particularly alarming. In this video, Harris proudly declares that she would “snatch” patents from pharmaceutical companies if they don’t comply with her rules on drug pricing.

Yes, you read that right—snatch patents. It’s a statement so shocking, it screams socialism, or dare we say, communism." [feedsnorth]


  1. That is the mentality of Dems, take take take, they like to cheat the system every chance they get, quite pathetic and sad, so entitled and fostering no work or moral ethics!

  2. Big pharma is bad, but Mala is too! Evil has taken over our country and world, so many fall prey to Satan, just pure evil!

  3. Such an ignorant statement ,on many levels, from Kamala. You can't just "snatch" patents . Yet. This women is an evil drunk.I'd love to see what her liver enzymes read.

  4. The full context of her remarks...

    " My plan as a candidate for president on the issue of drug prices is as follows: We are going to set drug prices based on fair market. So, essentially what we're going to do, and, you know, visit the website if you will, and if not, I can get you some documents. But, essentially what we're going to do is set drug prices so that American consumers are charged a price for drugs that is the average price that's being charged around the globe. [applause] And you're gonna… and there's a huge difference, insulin being an example.

    The other thing is this. If people don't want to cooperate with that, I'm also going to do the next thing, which is this. A lot of drugs, prescription medication, was born out of federal funding for the research and development of that drug. Your taxpayer dollars. So, for any drug where they failed to play by our rules, and if that drug came about because of federal funding for what's called R&D, research and development, I will snatch their patent, so that we will take over. Yes, we can do that. Yes. Yes, we can do that. Yes, we can do that. The question is, do you have the will to do it? I have the will to do it."
