Tuesday, August 13, 2024

J.D. Vance interviewed by CNN Dana Bash

JD Vance spanks CNN anchor on why Kamala hasn't done an interview in weeks

'You've got me for 15 minutes or however long you have me. We should be talking about public policies that matter'

CNN host Dana Bash clashed with Republican Sen. JD Vance of Ohio Sunday after he pushed back at questions regarding his comments about childless women and pressed her about Vice President Kamala Harris not answering questions.

Harris has not given an interview or press conference since President Joe Biden ended his reelection bid July 21. Vance called out Bash, saying she had asked him three questions about "a sarcastic remark" he made in 2021.

"I wonder what Kamala Harris thinks about the fact that she supported policies that opened the American southern border. I wonder what Kamala Harris thinks about the fact that she lied to the American people about Joe Biden's mental — mental facility for the office," Vance said before Bash interrupted, saying, "But I'm interviewing you, not Kamala Harris."

"You are interviewing me, Dana, because I respect the American people enough to sit down for an interview," Vance responded to the interruption.

1 comment:

  1. She is not too smart and conflictive and a hater too, look what they are doing putting the Dems on pedestals, they show their true colors!
