Monday, August 26, 2024

Harris and Walz - Bad for America

November 5th is an important day for our nation

"Citizens from across the country will be heading to the polls to cast their vote on who should lead our nation for the upcoming years.

As this election season ramps up, there are a few things voters should remember:

First - The Democrats pushed Joe Biden out of running for a second term in favor of Kamala Harris. This may force Americans to endure another four years of the chaos remaining from the Biden-Harris Administration.

Then - Kamala chose the most Liberal Governor in America, Tim Walz, as her running mate.

Tim Walz has allowed Minneapolis to burn, provided menstrual products in boys' bathrooms, raised taxes, allowed illegal immigrants to receive driver's licenses and car titles, and much more.

This is just a preview of what Tim Walz would do as Vice President of the United States." [Tom Emmer]

Kamala continues to tell us what she will do on day one BUT Day One started nearly 4 years ago and she has done literally NOTHING for the American people.

Approximately 20 million illegal criminals have crossed our border residing throughout our Nation, some committing unspeakable crimes. She was given one assignment and she failed on purpose.

1 comment:

  1. biden and harris have destroyed this country, they will end it as we know it! Pray a lot 🙏
