Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Democrats' Russian Hoax undermined American Public Trust

Russia Hoax Hobbled U.S. Foreign Policy, Admits Top Trump Critic

The long-debunked Russia collusion hoax against former President Donald J. Trump hurt U.S. foreign policy, according to former National Security Advisor turned public Trump critic H.R. McMaster.

Robert Mueller’s special counsel investigation—peddled by top Democrats and also every major media outlet in the world—undermined the Trump White House’s efforts to handle issues with Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, McMaster admitted in an excerpt of his new book published by the Wall Street Journal this weekend.

“Since Trump’s election, Democrats and others opposed to Trump kept looking for evidence of collusion or corruption with Russians or for compromising information.

Information such as that in the discredited Steele dossier, a document filled with false allegations about Trump that was funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and presented to the FBI as fact,” McMaster wrote, concluding: “All this had created opportunities for the Kremlin.”

Read about it...

Democrats continue to claim they are saving democracy when in fact, they were and continue to do just the opposite.


  1. Yes as we know they are slaves for Satan, pure evil haters who are All going to hell! To love God is to love all people!

  2. Trump cards are back on sale! I picked up two this afternoon.

  3. Plus, it makes US citizens of goodwill lose confidence in their government, how can we trust our own DOJ fbi cia and now this illegitimate regime, let's face it, most people do not respect or trust them anymore!

  4. Remember the slaves for Satan Democrats made this up folks! All a lie out of hate for our wonderful President Trump!
