Thursday, August 29, 2024

Biden/Harris Trump Proofing the DOJ

The Biden-Harris administration packing the DOJ

They have deployed a little-known hiring mechanism to staff key divisions of the Department of Justice (DOJ) ahead of the 2024 election, according to documents provided to the Daily Caller News Foundation by Protect the Public's Trust (PPT).

Hundreds of people, primarily lawyers and judges, have been appointed to the Environmental and Natural Resources (ENRD) and Antitrust and Immigration Review divisions of the DOJ using its "Schedule A" hiring authority since President Joe Biden took office, documents shared with the DCNF by PPT show.

Schedule A hiring does not require appointments to be made on the basis of merit and appointments do not expire at the end of the current president's term, meaning these bureaucrats will stick around even if former President Donald Trump takes office in 2025, according to the Office of Budget and Management.

"The Biden-Harris administration and its allies have already signaled their intent to hamstring their successor and prevent a future president from reversing their agenda," PPT director Michael Chamberlain said in an advance copy of a press release shared with the DCNF."

Click here to
and see who they are hiring.
Where do these communists find all these other progressives?

1 comment:

  1. Just showing what a holes they are, just slaves for Satan, what government gangsters, President Trump needs to fire all on day one!
