Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Venezuela Election Outcome - Changed in the dead of night

The country’s electoral authority announced Maduro win just after midnight on Monday

despite multiple exit polls which pointed to an opposition win.

The authority said opposition candidate Edmundo Gonzalez won 44% of the vote, though the opposition had earlier said it had “reasons to celebrate” and asked supporters to continue monitoring vote counts.

Maduro, appearing at the presidential palace before cheering supporters, said his reelection is a triumph of peace and stability and reiterated his campaign trail assertion that Venezuela’s electoral system is transparent.

A poll from Edison Research, known for its polling of U.S. elections, had predicted in an exit poll that Gonzalez would win 65% of the vote, while Maduro would win 31%.[ch.org]

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A big part of socialism is the Central planning and regulations to ensure equal distribution of wealth and fair provision of goods. Does this describe the anointed Democrat Nominee?

Harris gives voice to a leftist-progressive narrative about the importance of equity—equal outcomes—rather than mere equality before the law.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like what happened in the USA in 2020 with President Trump, God knows the truth, we all know in our hearts about all the cheating here or in Venezuela!
