Written on his face: Trump a changed man after assassination attempt
Viewers taken aback by Trump's appearance at RNC Convention: Eyes and smile reveal a man whose brush with death has had a dramatic effect on himBy: Margaret Menge
Jul 17, 2024
The moment he appeared on camera on the floor of the RNC Convention on Monday evening, viewers could see that former President Donald Trump had been deeply affected by his close brush with death just 48 hours earlier, and likely forever changed.
He stood alone at first, before walking onto the floor, and the smile that spread across his face was almost a wistful smile. Wiped from his face was all pride and quickness, replaced by a softness, humility, and deep humanity.
His posture was not fundamentally different, nor was the way he held his head. Yet in his countenance, his movements and the entire force field around him, there was something entirely different — a softness that we have never seen before on him.
As the sound of applause rose up from the crowd of Republican delegates at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Trump seemed close to tears — though anyone writing such a thing could easily be accused of projection as what could be perceived by the senses was not enough to prove the truth of this statement. All that could be said was that something about his face, something indescribable, had passed over it.
Read the rest by Margaret Menge
Personally, I thought he looked very sad.
It was a horrible ordeal, to think someone could have so much hate to kill, sadly likely he was coaxed to do this but with this FBI we will never know the truth. God bless President Trump! MAGA