Tuesday, July 30, 2024

The Fake News Media

The radical left and mainstream media are already working to erase Kamala Harris' disastrous record as vice president

The latest move comes from Axios, which is reportedly deleting past comments about her being the “border czar.”

Over on the big search engine, just Google Trump a$$assination and you get – squat. Google is already suppressing searches on the “assassination attempt on TRUMP.” This is clearly an attempt to prevent political support for Donald Trump.

Google isn't just trying to memory hole the ass*ss*nation attempt, they're ALSO suppressing search results for simply searching President Donald Trump. No results come up and autofill.



  1. All Media that constantly sides with the Dems, corrupt biden, and all these slave government gangsters are biased and complicit in destroying the USA, all slaves for Satan! Watch ntd, Rav, Oan, or NewsMax the only reliable and fair news today.

  2. Almost no News can be trusted anymore, tv, paper, or computer, it is all so one sided, so much bias, it doesn't take a genius to figure it out, like the hater Todd mcdermot on channel 25 news just how he speaks and his accent on words says all of his bias.

  3. I count on my Facebook friends and this blog for all my news. I don't even know who's running as a Democrat in November. I really don't care. I just vote for the Republican whoever they are.

  4. What I don't like is the legacy news brainwashing with lies and biased some of my family are really brainwashed now from this complicit news, it is all state run media apparatus who censure the truth.
