Sunday, July 14, 2024

Securing our Electoral Process

The SAVE Act was passed in the House with a 221-198 vote

Five Democrats broke party lines to support the bill

This piece of legislation, led primarily by Republicans, aims to fortify our election process.

The New York Post reports that if enacted, state election officials will be required to ask about citizenship prior to providing voter registration forms – a requirement currently not in place for federal voting forms. The Act would also permit state officials to accept various documents to simplify citizens’ registration for federal elections.

While non-citizen voting is already illegal in Federal elections—subjecting violators to imprisonment and fines—there are claims suggesting the contrary. U.S. Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), the sponsor of the legislation, cites plentiful evidence of non-citizen voting in federal elections.

Biden says he will veto the bill.

Read about it...

Bill H.R. 8281

Deborah Adeimy running to beat Lois Frankel District 22 says: Allowing illegals to cast ballots is a dangerous precedent that violates the principle of “one citizen, one vote.” And it’s a slap in the face to the millions of first-generation Americans who followed the legal process.

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