Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reporter asks Domestic Terrorists if they have a job

Pro-Palestinian protesters blocked roads and surrounded the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. on Wednesday.

JayWalk Journalism's Matt Miller asked them if they had jobs and if they were skipping work... they didn't like that very much.

1 comment:

  1. I know I saw in the video One brave soul tried to stop them from burning the us flags and they pushed him aside there are some true Patriots and Real Americans and people who love this country but unfortunately all these protesters all they do is have a lot of hate for anyone who's a Christian or anyone who's a Catholic or anyone who loves the United States of America. It's really sad all these Muslims and all these Hamas and all these haters and all they're doing right now they're destroying our country and our world with all their hate as if they're the only ones that are right. I think they all need a little Jesus in them I think all Muslims need to convert to Christianity because they really are horrible evil wicked people now we're seeing the truth!
