Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony

Trump Slams Paris Olympics, Vows to Bring Back Values for 2028

"The former president, who is known for his strong stance on religious values, expressed his disapproval towards the use of Christian symbolism in a disrespectful manner.

“We won’t be having a Last Supper as portrayed the way they portrayed it the other night,” he said. “I mean, they can do certain things. I thought it was terrible.”

He clarified that he is open-minded towards all communities, but he believes that the organizers went too far in their depiction of The Last Supper.

Trump’s criticism of the ceremony was relatively mild compared to the scathing words of British TV personality Piers Morgan.

In an Op-Ed for the New York Post, Morgan condemned the organizers for their “flagrant” insult towards 2.4 billion Christians worldwide. He also pointed out the double standard in allowing such a portrayal of Christianity while other religions would not have been treated in the same manner.

“Not that you would realize it if you heard the verdict of America’s first lady Jill Biden — who was in attendance — and said the opening ceremony was ‘spectacular … every step of the way,’” I guess she went to Paris on AirForce 2.


1 comment:

  1. I just wish they would stop using gays, blacks, and Latinos so much! It makes it look like all the us is almost all black when it isn't!
