Thursday, July 11, 2024

Palm Beach wants to give us $80,000 to access our beach for Dredge Project

Palm Beach set to donate $80,000 to Lake Worth Beach in exchange for beach access

"Palm Beach staff soon will be meeting with their Lake Worth Beach counterparts after the Town Council gave the go-ahead for them to draft an agreement that would allow the town to access the beach via that city's patch of coastline.

The town wants to use a concrete road south of the Lake Worth Pier during a South End beach and dune re-nourishment project that is expected to begin later this year, Public Works Director Paul Brazil told the Council during its meeting on Tuesday.

In return, Palm Beach would donate $80,000 from the Town's Coastal Fund to Lake Worth Beach to improve the public area between the beach and city's public parking lot, he said."

Read about it...

Often, when a community elects to undergo a beach reclamation project, they’re signing up for an immensely costly process. Dredging does not stop erosion, and so one beach reclamation project may be one of many that beach experiences over the course of its use.

My question is, will this dredge project affect our beach in the future? Could that $80,000 cost us millions in the future for our own beach re-nourishment?


  1. new comers better check why this was voted down few years ago.let them use a barge to haul the sand around.what we were told then by scientists our beach would not be the same.dont think $80,000 will clean it up

  2. Scientist told us a vaccine would prevent us from getting Covid.

  3. It seems to be working out very well in the South China Sea.

    Where can I read more about this.

  4. Stop messing with mother nature! It comes and goes, humans ruin everything!

  5. dems like 3.o3 are just trying to destroy .if they had a brain they would be dangerous
