Sunday, July 7, 2024

More on the George Stephanopoulos interview

Insiders reveal the shocking comments Democrats made about Joe Biden behind the scenes after 'sad' 22-minute interview

The toe curling exchange saw Biden answer questions in a raspy, weary voice, often lose track mid-sentence and at times ignore questions in an attempt to make occasionally outlandish claims about his record.

The performance was so lackluster, that House minority leader and New York rep Hakeem Jeffries has reportedly scheduled a call with senior White House aides on today.

Meanwhile, Virginia Sen. Mark R. Warner is said to be assembling a group to try and oust the ailing president.

'Front-liners are all p***ed, and they are personally ready to pull the trigger to ask Biden to step aside, but politically they are scared s**tless,' an anonymous aide added.

Read more about it...


  1. I hope he stays in. Trump will kick this old man's ass. If they put in someone else younger, Trump will have to work harder. Someone who is 60 is 5 full years younger than Trump.

  2. Not sure I understand that age thing, @4:22.

  3. Glad all is being revealed, these slaves deserve all the humiliation shame and dishonor they get!!
