Monday, July 15, 2024

J.D. Vance is Donald Trump's Vice Presidential Choice

J.D. Vance is the V.P. Choice

"Americans have been suffering under Joe Biden’s America for far too long. From coast to coast, citizens are rallying for a better future. Citizens are tired of being lied to. This election is our chance to right the wrongs of the Biden Administration.

The RNC in Milwaukee is the perfect example of our strong determination as Americans to put America First and get our nation back on track. The RNC proves Americans from coast to coast are ready for America to prosper and become great once again. The America First Movement is stronger than ever. Our time to make a difference is now. This is just the beginning. The Red Wave is coming.

Americans are crying out for strong leadership, and that leader is Donald J. Trump. We cannot stand by and let America and her citizens struggle any longer. It is time to make the American People the number one priority once again. President Trump is a fearless leader who refuses to let our Democracy fall. It’s time for us to have his back and support him in his battle against Joe Biden and the Radical Left.

I’m proud to support President Trump and help ensure Americans receive the help they need. The RNC allows Americans to see where our nation could go under the right leader. We have the chance to set America up for greatness for years to come, but we have to act now. The RNC this week in Milwaukee is only the beginning of the fight for Democracy.

Join me in not only supporting President Trump for re-election but also working to put America First, secure our nation, protect our Democracy, and Make America Great Again.

For America,
JD Vance


  1. I was hoping for Dr Ben Carson!

  2. I heard the Hannity interview with J.D. Vance last night. Now I understand why Trump chose him. Extremely likeable, Articulate, intelligent, MAGA all the way...great interview.

  3. Hope he is better than pence!
