Monday, July 8, 2024

Crisis at the Border

MSNBC panel heard conservative tell the truth about Biden’s border crisis

Joe Biden’s immigration policies have been an utter catastrophe

"Even prominent Democrats have begun to call out the administration.

And an MSNBC panel melted down when one conservative told the truth about Biden’s border crisis.

The establishment of both parties are in favor of unfettered immigration into the country, both legal and illegal. Democrats want the future voters, and RINOs, they say, want the cheap laborers.

That is why Americans get endless waves of immigration whether they voted for it or not. In fact, polls show that a majority of Americans want less immigration into the country."

MSNBC came out with the same old tired liberal talking points to justify the invasion. SICK.

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. Let all the truth come out! It all shows us how pure evil this illegitimate regime is!
