Friday, July 26, 2024

Bomber Intercept off of Alaska

US Intercepts Russian and Chinese Bombers Off Alaska Coast

Enemy Bombers took off right after Biden's 13 minute speech

"The U.S. military intercepted several Russian and Chinese bombers in international airspace near the coast of Alaska Wednesday.

Two Russian Tu-95s and two Chinese H-6s entered what is known as the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone, North American Aerospace Defense Command said in a statement Wednesday night.

The aircraft were “detected, tracked and intercepted,” NORAD said. They remained in the Alaska ADIZ and did not enter U.S. airspace.

The bombers were intercepted by U.S. F-16 and F-35 fighter jets, along with Canadian CF-18s and other support aircraft, a U.S. defense official confirmed to CBS News."


1 comment:

  1. These idiots, this illegitimate regime will have us in WWIII before election day!
