Sunday, July 28, 2024

Arrested. Indicted. Shot. But still standing.

Trump haters continue to throw everything at Trump to take him out

Every single thing they’ve tried has failed

"Donald Trump is leading in the polls.

Americans are fed up with Biden and his cronies.

Donald Trump loves America and is determined to Make America Great Again.

And on Election Day, the American people will go to the polls and cast their votes to put Trump back in the White House where he belongs."


And I get a kick out of people who blame the divisiveness in our country today on Republicans when they are the haters and saying "there was never the intense hatred of government employees and our government that I'm seeing today after the shooting. It's sad. But it's reflective of what 50% of America has become." They are not being honest as to why Republicans are rejecting the political lies.

When Biden said that Making America Great Again Republicans are a threat to democracy, it is understandable why Republicans would reject his hatred. Or when Kamala said, “We refuse to let extremist, so-called Republican leaders dismantle our democracy."

Neither Biden nor Kamala showed up for (the most powerful political figure in Israel and an ally to the United States) Benjamin Netyanyahu's speech before Congress and more than 50 Democrats boycotted it.


  1. God protect him, the demonic Dems won't stop though until he is out of their evil way.

  2. More outdoor rallies!!!

  3. @5:47...No death wish but he plans on having more outdoor rallies.

  4. Praying for him and our country everyday! God protect all of us from these slaves for Satan! MAGA!
