Friday, July 19, 2024

A National Security Emergency

Cartel Soldiers Invade U.S. Soil

Seizing Small Town America

"Recently, local officials turned whistleblowers have provided Judicial Watch with critical intel on the alarming escalation of activity at our southern border.

As major southern border crossings draw mainstream media attention amidst an unprecedented illegal immigration crisis, remote areas with no Border Patrol presence are becoming entry points for “fighting age males” dressed in military uniforms.

This significant security lapse is under-reported, yet local, federal, and state law enforcement have provided Judicial Watch with detailed accounts, diagrams, and photos, highlighting the terrorization of residents in an Arizona town near the Mexican border. They blame the Biden administration’s open border policies for the escalating issues.

Organized, uniformed soldiers are marching across our borders! This is the legal definition of an “invasion,” and very dangerous."

Why do Democrats, Biden and Mayorkas ignore what's happening to our country?


1 comment:

  1. We need the us to take control of this problem! What a loser biden is!
