Tuesday, June 11, 2024

This Investigation was always about Joe Biden

Comer: 'It's no secret Joe Biden's committed many crimes'

Says referrals to DOJ of Hunter and James 'just the beginning'

"Well, I think that it's no secret Joe Biden's committed many crimes, and I think that you're going to see a report very soon."

House Oversight Committee chief Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., used that comment over the weekend to explain that the House referrals to the Department of Justice for Biden's son, Hunter, and brother, James, for perjury are "just the beginning."

"But we're going to deal with those and we're going to deal with Joe Biden. Remember, this is an investigation of Joe Biden. Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, Eric Schwerin, Devon Archer, these are all witnesses in an investigation of Joe Biden. This was always about Joe Biden.



  1. Hunter was convicted!! Woo hoo!

    I can't wait until they start talking about a rigged trial and how it was a MAGA jury and judge. Just watch and listen.

  2. He's a convicted felon now. Yes! Libs heads are going to explode.

  3. The son has to take it for the evil father, but his name is already tarnished by his own disgraces, all people of intelligence see through all of this. Such slaves for Satan!

  4. Shameful the Dems know about the $20 million the biden family got from all the countries through wire transfers even our Treasury knew, they all know, but allow and accept all this corruption from a supposed president just because they hate President Trump, sad hate hurts us so much in this banana republic country now!

  5. This was a deep state conspiracy to distract DOJ attention from the Biden crime family. Don't fall for it!

  6. The Treasury should also be ashamed of themselves covering for this corrupt family.
