Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Debate

In case you missed it--Full debate

"CNN and Biden's elite handlers have known of these troubles for a long time and did all they could to conceal these issues by having a favorable network, favorable moderators, favorable questions, no audience, the threat of lawsuits from CNN against any podcasters wanting to carry the feed live, a favorable format, and a post-debate rally for Biden.

All of these elite mechanisms failed and it should It should be clear to all that Biden was not fit to be on that stage last night, and he's not been fit to be President for quite some time (if ever). The Democrat Party and Biden's handlers, including the media, have betrayed our nation, and they can't hide it anymore. [alipac]

Who has time to watch this pathetic performance again? This is a constant reminder of the dangers the Democrat party and media have compromised our country.


  1. what a disaster for old Joe

  2. Cheaters get everything they deserve, they are a disgrace to our country, glad God reveals it all, hope their humiliation and prison sentences are more history for these slaves for Satan!
