Saturday, June 15, 2024

Tesla Shareholders vote in Elon's pay package

Elon Musk wins Tesla shareholder vote for $56 billion pay package

A Delaware judge previously ruled the package was excessive

Tesla CEO Elon Musk won the backing of shareholders Thursday in his fight to reclaim a $56 billion pay package voided by a Delaware judge who ruled the record-breaking compensation was excessive.

Shareholders voted in favor of restoring the package they approved in 2018, Brandon Ehrhart, Tesla’s general counsel and board secretary, announced onstage at the company’s annual shareholder meeting. He did not announce the vote totals.

The crowd at the meeting in Austin, Texas, cheered after the announcement, according to the livestream of the event.
br> Brandon Ehrhart said shareholders voted to move Tesla’s corporate home to Texas from Delaware, fleeing the state where most big companies are incorporated, after Musk said Delaware’s court system was “broken.”

But the lawsuits are not over--

Read about Elon...


  1. All he does is sit there on X and get fatter. 56 billion will buy a lot of snack foods.

    He had his day in the sun!

  2. Elon is 6'2" and weighs 181 lbs. He is in great shape.

  3. When he goes to church and talks about Jesus then maybe I will be able to respect him.

  4. don't have to go to church to be a believer. He has given over $6 billion to charities...that is Christ like I would think.

    1. That is your opinion, many donate for tax write offs. There is no reason why we all cannot devote one hour a week to God and go to church, so many excuses today!

  5. @!9:16...pious opinion. God will determine what is in someone's heart, not you.
