Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Snopes clarifies Trump comment from 2017

After 7 years, Snopes finally debunked the Trump “very fine people” statement

one lie Joe can't use in the debate

"In reality, Trump had said that there were “very fine people” on both sides of a heated debate over the future of Confederate statues. He clarified that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white nationalists, as the media had unfairly treated those groups.

This argument was available on a transcript published by Politico in August 2017, but Snopes chose to ignore it until now." And all the fake news media ran with it and continue to do so.

"The website never explains why it waited seven years to tell the truth. It manufactured a news hook by citing social media posts in spring 2024, instead of addressing the fact they ignored this issue for seven years. This is yet another example of the media’s blatant bias, even for a website claiming to be objective."

Read about it...

We know why the left wing fact-checking site, Snopes, finally came out with the truth--They don't want Biden to use this in the debate to make him look more of a fool than he really is.


  1. Who listens to anything Snopes says? They're garbage.

  2. They are such slaves!
